Tangier .. Details of the death of a young man following a serious traffic accident (video)

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
This article was automatically translated from Hibapress, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – Tangier
Sources of security revealed that what had circulated about the driver of a car was worn on a motorcycle in the city of Tangier is incorrect, stressing that the incident occurred did not include any deliberate race.
According to official data from the declarations of the injured witnesses and the injured victim in the official archives, the incident is due to a circulation dispute which broke out between two young men on a motorcycle and a car driver, after the latter disturbed them during the driving.
Following this dispute, the motorcycle driver lost control of his vehicle, which led to his deviation and his column with a column on the side of the road, causing his death and injured his installations.
In the same context, the interest of the state of the judicial police of Tangier began its surveys to determine the identity of the driver of the car, who had gone to the dispute, in the context of research and the investigation to achieve all the circumstances related to the accident.
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