France/ The battle for Matignon: Mélenchon from Tangier facing Hollande, the former president of the republic


The battle for Matignon is now underway between old and new politicians who aspire to obtain the right to govern France

Also, and only last Saturday, Mélenchon, the leader of the extreme left “the leader of the rebels”, born on August 19, 1951 in Tangier, clearly expressed his “intention to govern the country”. The polls are up, support is multiplying, the Republican left is on its knees before him, Mélenchon no longer has any reason to hide his true ambitions.

Except that François Hollande, the former President of the Republic and candidate in Corrèze under the banner of the New Popular Front (NFP), will be direct: “If I have a message to get across, it is that Jean-Luc Mélenchon, if he wants to help the New Popular Front, he must step aside and keep quiet.”

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