Salé – laayayda- abouab sala – almouhit: The project to build an urban dispensary is forgotten

HIBAPRESS – SALÉ-Abou Zakaria Hassan
It seems that the central services of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection have completely abandoned the project to build an urban dispensary, and this is no longer part of their priorities, in the Almouhit-Abouab Sala – Laayayda Sector.
It has been more than 14 years since the project was planned, in 2010, where two plots of land have not been exploited: the first with an area of 2580 m² to build a Base 1 Health Center, and the second an area of 3093 m2 to build an Urban Dispensary base 1. This immense project of great interest for the population, which brings together approximately 50 thousand people in the Almouhit – Abouab Sala – Laayayda Sector, has not until now had cause in effect, despite several correspondence from civil society to the Departments concerned, including among others the Municipality of Salé, and the Laayayda District Council.
Observers of local affairs are surprised at the incapacity of local, provincial and regional authorities, and even of the first official responsible for managing the affairs of the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Salé, to able to react favorably to the requests of citizens, who only wish to be offered a simple favor to their grievances
A large number of civil society citizens and Human Rights activists in the Almouhit – Abouab Sala – Laayayda Sector have expressed their concern and dissatisfaction with the significant and persistent delay in the construction of an urban dispensary. and bringing health services closer to the population.