Nezha HAYAT, president of the AMMC, re-elected as president of the Africa and Middle East Regional Committee

Hibapress / Press release

The Moroccan Capital Market Authority is pleased to announce the re-election of
Mrs. Nezha HAYAT, President of the Moroccan Capital Market Authority,
as President of the Africa and Middle East Regional Committee (AMERC) for a
third term. As such, the AMMC retains its seat within the Council
of Administration of IOSCO.
The Africa and Middle East Regional Committee (AMERC) of IOSCO is the committee that
brings together the region’s financial market regulators and whose work aims to
objective the examination, exchange of information and promotion of issues specific to the
development of capital markets. AMERC includes 28 ordinary members and 14
associate members. All represent regulators from the Africa and Middle East region.
As a member of the IOSCO Board of Directors, the AMMC actively participates
to international debates and discussions on the evolution of financial regulations.

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