Exclusively…Heba Press reveals the beneficiaries and the conditions of their equivalence to the Moroccan-Spanish driving license

Heba Press
The recent agreement on the equivalence of Moroccan driving licenses with Spanish and Spanish with Moroccan has been the subject of much debate among Moroccans, including members of the Moroccan community residing in Spain, and has been marked by the emergence of all influencers on social networks to speak out. on the issue, based on what was published in the Spanish Official Gazette of March 23, which did not clarify several points related to the agreement, except the need to take a ride on public roads for professional drivers designated for the equivalent of Moroccan types with heavy-duty loads, such as trucks, buses and other similar means, such as transporting hazardous materials.
In this regard, Heba Press worked hard to communicate with its own sources, who supervised the formulation, negotiation and study of the terms of the agreement in all aspects, including the linguistic aspect, which constitutes a stone of stumbling blocks in the way of taking exams for Moroccans, whether they reside in the country or abroad, particularly in Spain. From the knowledge of all the data surrounding this bilateral agreement, which is the result of the intense efforts of Moroccan diplomacy and the Ministry of Transport after the improvement of bilateral relations distinguished between the two neighboring kingdoms, followed by successive visits of Moroccan officials and Spaniards in Madrid and Rabat.
Through this article, we seek to answer the most important questions raised by public opinion in this regard, because it is clear from our examination of the file that the negotiators on the Moroccan side have made enormous efforts to explain the obstacles of the Moroccan professional driver, especially in his use of the Spanish language, and if the candidates were Spanish They have great difficulty passing driving tests in their native language and controlling similar vocabulary formulas that the General Directorate of Traffic puts in place in the form of puzzles and traps to ensure the success of only those who are competent, not to mention Moroccans who are not as fluent in the Spanish language as they should be, and at a time when Spanish authorities recognize that the percentage of Moroccan professional drivers is exceeded. Its territory constitutes the highest percentage (25%) compared to the rest of the world.
The questions are numerous, we will try to list the most important ones according to our reliable sources, since the information remains missing from what was published in the Spanish Official Gazette as follows:
_ Adoption of a driving tour on public roads in place of the theoretical and practical exams and the final tour.
_For those who reside legally in Spain, they cannot exchange driving licenses of large categories if it turns out that they were issued after the signing of the agreement.
As for Moroccan citizens residing in Morocco, they have the right to replace all permits if they have an employment contract with one of the Spanish companies, and they are not bound by the date of obtaining the permit. drive as they are not residents and are based. on the employment contract for which it is necessary that the candidate possess one or all professional licenses. .
_ All applicants for Moroccan professional license equivalence must not have expired licenses.
_ Moroccan professional drivers will obtain a residence permit at the request of the employer or operating company and will thus benefit from social security like other Moroccans currently residing in Spain.
_ Spanish companies are responsible for completing the replacement file for professional driving licenses, whether for resident or non-resident Moroccans.
_ A medical examination certificate for the eyes must be obtained from Spanish clinics and centers, even if the candidate has a medical examination certificate issued by Morocco.
As for the class “B” driving license, the agreement did not mention it, because it did not make any changes, and therefore what was in force in the 2004 agreement is still in force and subject to the Spanish laws in the field of driving.
Last Thursday, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Madrid, the capital, organized a noisy demonstration to which Moroccan immigrants from all cities went on pilgrimage, denouncing the financial fines imposed on them by the police and the Guard civil for not having a Spanish driving license. “B” driving license, because they obtained the Moroccan license after the residence permit. The embassy received representatives of the demonstrators and listened to their demands, which they summarized in that the Moroccan authorities propose to their Spanish counterparts the adoption of a theoretical exam in the Arabic language in order to simplify the procedures for the majority of those who do not master the Spanish language.
It remains that the agreement which will come into force from April 7 is not the fruit of the moment, but rather the result of 4 years of hard work and monitoring, and constituted an absolute priority for the Moroccan ambassador, “Karima Benaich”, and her diplomatic team, whose efforts we greatly appreciate in serving the issues and interests of Morocco.