Farrakshi gangs are active in the streets, and the Royal Gendarmerie is tightening the noose

Muhammad Manfaluti_Heba Press

Heba Press has learned that the regional platoon of the Royal Gendarmerie of Settat is racing against time to stem the “Faraqshi” phenomenon, which is beginning to darken the reality of Al-Kusiba and livestock farming, after the latter has become a reality. range of gangs active day and night.

In this regard, members of the Royal Gendarmerie were able to dismantle the “Al-Faraqshia” gang after overthrowing its members on the outskirts of the Khamis Sidi Mohamed Ben Rahal community, Settat province, where they were able to seize a “Fourcon” utility vehicle. ” while they were about to rob a barn, where three people with a criminal record were arrested. The judicial authority in the field of alleged cattle theft, one from the Keyser region, the second from Banjarir and the third from Banjarir. Mashre’ Ben Abbou, in coordination with a group of centers affiliated to the Settat Company, after investigation, two cars intended for the transport of goods and tools used in clandestine slaughter, as well as ten heads of sheep and a whole cow were seized. of the theft.

The same sources add that the prosecution at the Settat Court of Appeal ordered that the detainees be placed under theoretical custody measures, for the benefit of the research carried out by the Royal Gendarmerie in order to decipher the codes of this gang which terrorized farmers in a period of crisis, after the investigations opened by the investigators revealed that the members of the gang had carried out attacks against a series of agricultural properties in the region, at the time when a search warrant was issued against a fourth accused from the Ouled Said region.

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