Interview with Sékouba Diack Diakité, President of the National Rally for Development (RND) of Guinea: “Relations between Morocco and Guinea will be at the heart of our international policy”


The exceptional partnership between Guinea and Morocco is edifying on the African continent. The President of the National Rally for Development (RND), Sékoua Diack Diakité, Laureate of the Kingdom, and Deputy National Director of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) of Guinea intends to provide a cornerstone to the consolidation of centuries-old relations between the two countries .

*You are in Morocco as part of the establishment of your political party, the National Rally for Development Party (RND). How is Morocco the focal point in your strategy?

-We consider Morocco our second country. He gave me everything in terms of academic training and professional experiences. From there, and given the potential that the Kingdom has in terms of mastery of African geopolitics, relying on Morocco’s experience in defining its strategy constitutes an intelligent and effective approach. Especially since the political maturity of the Parties here is the pride of Africa which is progressing and moving forward. In short, the Kingdom is a country whose political strategies are visionary and will inspire the National Rally for Development in its founding and development.

It should also be noted that the RND Party is part of a pragmatic position which takes into account its social values ​​and its economic realities. Defending the best interests of Guinea and the Guinean will be the priority in all our political actions. Historically recognized ideologies such as socialism, communism, liberalism, etc., or the Left, Right and Center positioning are no longer, for us, appropriate in this globalized world.

*Does this mean that the RND intends to participate in the dynamics of good relations between the two States?

-Clearly, it must be said that relations, in all its forms, between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Guinea, will be at the heart of our international policy and will be the subject of particularly privileged attention. It should be remembered that cooperation between the two States is going very well. Moreover, the 7th session of the Morocco-Guinea Joint Cooperation Commission, held recently in Dakhla, is the perfect illustration of this. Since it was crowned by the signing of eight cooperation agreements and conventions covering numerous areas, including culture. In this sense, it is good to emphasize that the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation (AMCI) provides the Republic of Guinea with an annual quota of 180 scholarships at the university and technical level. This shows the importance of the exceptional partnership that drives the Rabat-Conakry axis.

*How does your Party see or understand the political transition underway in Guinea?

-The Guinean transition continues its progress, and we believe that it is the duty of every Guinean to wish for its happy outcome for the good of our country. Our Party will play its part for its success because Guinea is one and indivisible with necessarily a shared love. From this love we all draw, I am convinced, the same impatience, which is an impatience to act, the same desire: that of getting involved. This will and this impatience sometimes take on the characteristics of voluntary optimism. Other times, they express sincere anger so that Guinea develops and advances. Still, they emanate from our true love for our homeland.

So together, we can build a prosperous and irreversible nation, in addition to the fact that we are a family. In this quest for the good of Guinea, we can be different. But this difference must be our strength and not an obstacle to our common desire to develop our country. The basis of our daily behavior must be acceptance of others on the basis of the rules that govern the life of our nation. At the RND, we believe that we must all work to ensure that the transition arrives successfully for the well-being of all Guineans.

*You are Deputy National Director of the Public-Private Partnership. What are the major challenges facing the country today? Can Morocco be a source of inspiration in this area as the winner of the Kingdom?

-Unquestionably, the Public-Private Partnership is, today, a vector for efficient economic development and modernization of national infrastructures. So a country like Guinea must, for its emergence, largely exploit these mechanisms. Many milestones have been set by the government in this area. Naturally, Morocco is a traditional partner of Guinea. The Public-Private Partnership in the Kingdom is very developed, just looking at the major projects carried out or in progress. I believe that the exchange of experiences with Morocco can be a catalyst to boost this sector in my country.

Good to know

Sékouba Diack Diackité has followed a lot of training including, among others, Doctoral Business Administration at Paul Valery Montpellier 3 University (UPVM3), Master in Business Law at the Higher School of Legal and Economic Studies (ESEJE) – Mohammedia, Morocco . DIAKITE also holds a European Master’s degree in Management and Strategy from the European Federation of Schools, a Diploma in Administrative Management from the National School of Administration (ENA) – Rabat, Morocco. On a professional level, Sékouba has held several positions and participated in working committees, including as Vice-President of the Committee for drafting standard documents for Public Private Partnerships in the Republic of Guinea. Currently, Sékouba Diack Diakité is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Guinean Copyright Office (BGDA) at the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Crafts and Deputy National Director of Public-Private Partnerships at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Small and Medium Enterprises.

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