OCP Group partners with global company to create huge green energy project in Morocco

It is not only in infrastructure and football fields that Morocco is investing, but economic development and the transformation of the kingdom into a productive industrial state have become the main objective of the country’s authorities through dozens of projects that will make Morocco a world power in the years to come.
In this context, the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) group announced its alliance with a global company specializing in green energy to create a major and massive project that will undoubtedly make Morocco a global energy power.
According to a press release, the OCP group and Fortescue Energy, specializing in green energy, metals and technology, announced a joint project to develop green energy in Morocco.
OCP clarified that this partnership aims, in equal parts, to supply green hydrogen, green ammonia and green fertilizers to Morocco, Europe and international markets, and includes the potential development of manufacturing facilities and a research and development center to promote Morocco’s booming renewable energy industry.
The partnership between Fortescue and OCP, respective leaders in iron ore and phosphate, aims to achieve their emissions reduction targets, sharing a common vision on the crucial role of green hydrogen and green ammonia in creating of a sustainable future on a global scale.
The Moroccan group added that the two partners presented a plan for four main projects in Morocco, including large-scale integrated production capacity for green ammonia and green fertilizers, including renewable energy, power generation , electrolysis, ammonia release and fertilizer production, as well as the manufacturing of green technologies and equipment.
The third project involves the creation of a research, development and technology center, located near the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University near Marrakech, to strengthen the ecosystem of the joint project and other stakeholders by seeking renewable energy , green hydrogen and metal processing.
As for the fourth project, it concerns collaboration between investment funds to stimulate investments in key technological developments.
This partnership aims to provide green hydrogen and green ammonia for use both as a source of green energy and in the manufacture of carbon-neutral fertilizers, specifically designed to be affordable for all farmers around the world .