Morocco-Belgium: signing in Rabat of a memorandum of understanding for judicial cooperation

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
The Superior Council of the Judiciary and the Superior Council of Justice of Belgium signed, Wednesday in Rabat, a memorandum of understanding relating to the establishment of a general framework for the strengthening of cooperation between the two parties in areas of common interest.
This memorandum was initialed by the First President of the Court of Cassation, Deputy President of the High Council of the Judicial Power, Mohamed Abdennabaoui and the President of the Office of the Belgian High Council of Justice, Hilde Melotte, as well as Ms. Valérie Delfosse, Vanessa de Francquen and Lucia Dreser, members of the Bureau, indicate a joint press release from the two Councils.
Under the terms of this memorandum, based on the values and principles inherent in the establishment of the rule of law in the two countries and aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation, the two parties agree to work together to implement common activities. , adds the same source. The areas of cooperation established under the said memorandum concern in particular the independence of the judiciary, the establishment of the rule of law, judicial governance, judicial efficiency, administrative management of the courts, digitalization of the courts, inspection judicial, the management of the professional situations of magistrates, the management and implementation of training and professional qualification programs, as well as other areas of common interest.
In order to achieve the objectives set out in the areas of cooperation, the two parties undertake to exchange information, documents, instruments and any other means capable of contributing to the development of skills in areas of common interest, in addition to exchange experiences and good practices acquired during their implementation, to carry out analytical and evaluation studies at the request of the other party, and to issue opinions within the limits of the prerogatives vested in the two institutions .
Both parties will also ensure that they provide specialized technical assistance by making qualified human resources available, create working groups and participate in conferences or seminars organized by either party, or in the organization jointly such events, in addition to other cooperation mechanisms defined by the joint committee.