Missour: Great success of the National Road Running Championships for the 2023-2024 season

The Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, in collaboration with the Royal Moroccan Federation of School Sports and the Regional Academy of Education and Training of Fez Meknes, organized the championship in Missour national school road race under the slogan “School sport for open and efficient students” from May 7 to 9, 2024.
The participating delegations were received on Tuesday May 7, 2024, with a view to the start of the competitions on Wednesday May 8. In addition to the sports competitions, the event also included a special race for students from educational establishments in the city of Missour and a special race for students with disabilities.
As part of the partnership agreement signed between the Royal Moroccan Federation of School Sports and the Association of Teachers of Life and Earth Sciences, a study trip to the Wildlife Development Center on the outskirts of Missour was organized on the morning of Tuesday May 8, for the benefit of the students participating in this national championship, where Sanaa Alioua, deputy director of this center, provided a series of valuable information on this reserve which was created to protect a group of animals, especially the bird “Habare” which is bred in captivity in the same reserve to protect it from extinction and preserve it, then the students approached the bird as it was done.
The program of environmental activities of this national championship included the signing of the Environmental Charter, through which the Association of Teachers of Life and Earth Sciences attempts to raise participants’ awareness of several environmental phenomena, including global warming. climate, water stress and biodiversity.
This premier sporting event is an opportunity to highlight spatial justice, gender equality and promote the values of conservation and environmental sustainability.
The city of Missour was the scene of intense preparations carried out by staff from the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports and members of the national, regional and provincial directorates of the FRMSS, to welcome the participants of the national school road racing championship, coming from different regions of the Kingdom, who arrived on Tuesday, May 7 in Missour, and the organizers provided the participants with the appropriate conditions for this national event to take place in the best conditions, whether either in terms of accommodation, catering or transport.