Before being elected president yesterday being a candidate for the position of president of the AU: Mohamoud Ali Youssouf explains to the RTD his vision of Africa

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In an interview with Djibouti (RTD) Radio-Television (RTD), the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, explains his program to meet modern Africa’s challenges while capitalizing on the opportunities of the future . With three decades of diplomatic experience, it aspires to transform the African continent through a vision integrating peace, security, regional integration, and sustainable development.

Known on the African diplomatic scene, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, in addition to his 30 years of career, including 20 years at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Djibouti, plays a key role in the management of several regional crises . His career illustrates his ability to maintain a delicate balance between national interests and continental dynamics. With this course, he is today the favorite candidate of the African Union Commission, an institution which he considers crucial for the development of the continent.

During his interview with the RTD carried out by journalist Abdourahman Mohamed Abdourahman alias Chibachi, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf stressed that his candidacy is the result of a decision matured and supported by the highest authorities of Djibouti, in particular the President of the Republic , His Excellency, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh. Djibouti, located at the crossroads of several major geopolitical axes, notably Africa, the Middle East and Asia, sees in Mahmoud Ali Youssouf a leader capable of bringing a unique perspective to the continental scale.

A global vision of peace and security in Africa

Mahmoud Ali Youssouf places the question of peace and security at the heart of his candidacy. For him, the instability that persists in several regions of Africa constitutes a major obstacle to the economic and social development of the continent. “Peace and security are the foundations on which Africa must build its future,” he said. He notably evokes conflicts in the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes region, areas where he has personally worked as a diplomat to promote cooperation and negotiations.

As a candidate for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf wishes to strengthen the mechanisms of conflict management already in place, in particular the AU peace and security council, but also propose more approaches innovative to anticipate crises. It also plans to support more peacekeeping missions carried out under the aegis of the AU, while emphasizing the need to strengthen the capacities of African armies to respond to transnational threats such as terrorism and illegal traffic.

The objective of “silencing arms by 2030”, a key initiative of the African Union, remains central in its program. However, he recognizes that this ambition requires better coordination between the Member States and reinforced partnerships with international and regional organizations. “The success of this initiative will depend on our ability to unite our forces to solve problems with the root, whether political, economic or social,” he said.

Sustainable development and economic integration: pillars for a prosperous Africa

In addition to his peace strategy, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf places sustainable development at the heart of his vision for Africa. “Peace is the sine qua non condition of development, but for Africa to become a prosperous continent, we must adopt a global approach including the economy, the environment and the infrastructure,” he specifies.

It highlights ambitious projects such as the Grand Inga dam, which could solve a large part of the continent’s energy problems, and cross -border infrastructure such as high -speed railways connecting African capitals. These projects are essential to promote regional integration and facilitate intra-African trade. As part of the African Union 2063 agenda, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf aspires to accelerate the implementation of the African continental free trade area (ZLECAF), a project which he sees as an essential engine for transformation economic from Africa. “Africa has the potential to become a single market, capable of competing with the biggest economies in the world. But this will require firm commitment to strengthen our infrastructure, reduce trade barriers, and harmonize economic policies, “he said. In addition to physical infrastructure, it pays particular attention to information and communication technologies. Digitization, according to him, is a lever for the modernization of the African economy. It offers increased investments in African digital startups, so that Africa can capture the benefits of the world technological revolution.

Fight against climate change: an essential priority

One of the crucial dimensions of Mahmoud Ali Youssouf’s candidacy lies in his commitment to fighting climate change. The African continent, although responsible for a tiny part of global greenhouse gas emissions, is among the most affected by its effects. Droughts, floods, and other natural disasters hit millions of people, exacerbating poverty and political instability.

It thus proposes to place Africa at the forefront of global climate negotiations, by working for more solid financial commitments from developed countries in order to help Africa adapt to the impacts of climate change and to adopt Solutions based on renewable energies. “Africa has enormous renewable natural resources, whether it is the sun, wind, or water. This is an opportunity that we have to seize to build a lasting future for our children, ”he says.

Cybersecurity and digital governance: anticipate threats to the future

In an increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity is an area that Mahmoud Ali Youssouf wishes to see quickly evolve in Africa. “The threats are evolving, and we have to be prepared to face the new challenges of the 21st century,” he explains. He calls for the creation of a Pan -African cybersecurity agency, which would work closely with national agencies to protect essential digital infrastructure and data from African citizens. Beyond cybersecurity, it also envisages better digital governance on a continental scale, which would promote transparency, the fight against corruption and digital inclusion. He sees technology as a key tool to improve public services and offer better opportunities to young Africans.

A few months before the election to the presidency of the African Union Commission, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf stands out as a candidate for innovative and pragmatic ideas. His vision is based on the conviction that Africa can overcome current challenges by uniting its forces and adopting innovative solutions. His commitment to peace, sustainable development and regional integration makes him a serious and ambitious candidate for this position of responsibility.

Although the election, scheduled for February 2025, will determine the man who will take over the African Union in the coming years, but experience, linguistic skills, and in particular the vision of the Djiboutian candidate, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf Place in a favorable position to guide the African Union towards a new era of prosperity and peace.

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