National Council for Financial Inclusion: agri-finance study: private financial offer not very innovative addressed to the rural world

The agri-finance study was carried out by the World Bank Group under the leadership of Bank
Al-Maghrib, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture,
Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests and ACAPS, in
the objective of supporting the work of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy through
in-depth analysis of the level of development of the offer in terms of agricultural finance in
Morocco, its limits and its opportunities and the identification of avenues to improve access to
farmers, in particular, smallholders and small businesses to appropriate financial services.
Even though the study highlighted the progress made in terms of agricultural financing, margins
significant progress has been revealed for more accessible, innovative agricultural finance
and inclusive, by acting on the levers of supply and demand. In fact, the diagnosis
noted in particular a low level of financial inclusion, particularly for small
farms, for informal farms and for agricultural workers, as well as
than a limited and not very innovative private financial offer addressed to the rural world.