MTEDD: Training workshop for a “Regional Collaboration for new environmental accounting indicators in Africa”


The Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development recently organized a workshop on ecological accounting systems, in cooperation with the Sahel and Sahel Observatory and the French Development Agency.

This meeting was attended by representatives of ministerial sectors and scientific research institutions, as well as international and local experts.

This workshop is part of the “Regional Cooperation for new environmental accounting indicators in Africa” (COPERNICEA) project, launched in 2020, which included the preparation of a national study for the four categories of sub-accounts, including carbon, water, land cover and ecosystem infrastructure.

During this event which spanned 3 days from May 14 to 16, 2024, the results of the study as well as the main objectives and achievements of the project were presented, highlighting its importance in providing a system of independent and practical environmental accounting for six countries, including Morocco, with the aim of monitoring and valuing their natural resources by collecting data, exchanging information and providing the necessary training to the parties concerned.

This training workshop trained participants representing a group of important government sectors in the area of ​​environmental accounting and methods for developing accounts for carbon, water, land cover and ecosystem infrastructure .

Furthermore, a field visit was organized to the Sidi Boughaba reserve, which is considered a complete biological space to apply the theoretical concepts and knowledge acquired during the workshop, in its practical and realistic context.

Emphasis was also placed on the inclusion of the environmental dimension in ecological accounting with the aim of promoting sustainable development, maintaining environmental balances and protecting biological diversity, in implementation of the requirements of the Global Framework for Kunming-Montreal biodiversity, adopted in December 2022.

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