Baitas: More than 11,000 beneficiaries of housing assistance, the Fez-Meknes region in the lead

Government spokesperson Mustapha Baitas revealed the latest figures for the housing assistance program.

Answering questions from journalists during the press conference which followed the work of the Government Council held this Thursday, Baitas indicated that as of May 23, 73,711 requests had been registered to benefit from housing assistance, in specifying that 90% of these requests meet the eligibility conditions. The number of beneficiaries reached 11,749.

The government official added that 43% of beneficiaries are women, 23% are Moroccans living abroad, and 57% benefited from housing assistance for goods priced between 300,000 and 700,000. dirhams.

Regarding the regions, Baitas indicated that the Fez-Meknes region is in the lead, followed by Casablanca-Settat, then the Oriental region and finally Tangier-Tetouan.

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