World Hunger Day/Reducing world hunger: an ambitious but achievable goal

Fight against food waste
According to the United Nations Environment Program, households have wasted more than a billion meals per day since 2022.
However, everyone could help reduce world hunger.
Promote local purchasing
Long circuits have a strong environmental impact and higher costs. Opting to buy local means reducing food miles traveled and saving almost 1.1 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.
Beyond the environmental impact, local consumption allows family farms to continue to resist increasing economic pressure.
UNICEF actions
Worldwide, 1 in 4 children experience food poverty. Millions of people are deprived of a healthy, rich and varied diet.
To end child food poverty, UNICEF urges governments to take strong action:
-Transform systems so that nutritious, diverse and healthy foods are more accessible to all
-Provide essential nutrition services to prevent malnutrition in early childhood
-Enable families to meet their food needs by providing them with food, vouchers or even money transfers
In 2023, UNICEF and its partners launched the Child Nutrition Fund to support financial investments to combat malnutrition among children.
Ending world hunger is an ambitious goal that concerns us all. Thanks to your support, UNICEF provides nutrition services to the most vulnerable children in more than 190 countries and territories.