4,500 cases of fraud recorded in baccalaureate exams


Only 4,500 cases of fraud were recorded in the baccalaureate exams, a figure which remains “limited compared to the total number of candidates”, indicated on Tuesday the Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, Chakib Benmoussa.

In a response to a question in the House of Councillors on the “Ordinary Session of Baccalaureate Examinations”, Mr. Benmoussa noted that this figure represents only 1% of the number of candidates.

In accordance with the principles of equal opportunities and objective assessment of students’ achievements, the ministry carried out awareness-raising operations among candidates in educational establishments, in coordination with provincial and security authorities, he said.

The ministry was keen to mobilize partners in the education system, including parents and guardians of students, given their key role in educating and raising awareness among students of the seriousness of the phenomenon and its legal consequences for candidates, “which allowed us to contain this odious behavior,” he added.

In this regard, the Minister welcomed the strong support of parents and guardians of students in supporting their children during this crucial stage of their school career, as well as the participation of educational and administrative executives as well as local and security authorities, but also all stakeholders participating in the success of this national event.

Furthermore, in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the dates of certain entrance exams to higher education institutes or establishments with limited access have been postponed until after July 19, the date on which the results of the baccalaureate resit exams will be announced.

This measure aims to give the opportunity to the students of the catch-up exams to take these competitions, he explained, specifying that these students will receive, immediately after the announcement of the results, the points obtained in each subject in order to mention them in their application files for admission to the aforementioned institutes.

The Minister also addressed the developments that marked this year’s baccalaureate exams, including the simplification and digitalization of the delivery of baccalaureate subjects to the regional academies of education and training, the increase in the level of security of written tests, through the adoption of electronic secret codes, in order to strengthen the processes of correction and entry of marks, as well as to reduce the period preceding the announcement of the results.

Mr. Benmoussa said that his department is continuing the adoption of digital technologies in everything related to the production and management of baccalaureate certificates and transcripts of successful candidates, as well as the integration of the candidate’s electronic national identity card number on the baccalaureate certificate.

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