24th edition of FICAK: 14 short films in the running

Fourteen films representing 13 countries will be in the running to win the prizes in the official short film competition at the 24th edition of the Khouribga International African Cinema Festival (FICAK) which will be held from May 11 to 18 under the patronage of the King. Mohammed VI.
These are “A lambe, a Sheep and Raven” by Moroccan director Amen Hammou, “La Quarantaine” by Sana Jazuri (Tunisia), “The Domesticated” by Hamd Wahba (Egypt), “Cameraphobia” by Younes .H.Khami.Y (Egypt), from “”Lobi Ekosimba” by Kumbuka Maene from the Democratic Republic of Congo, from “Une Autre Blanche” by Medessé Agohoundjé (Benin), from “L’Assault des Vagues” by Mathias Noussougnon (Togo), “Wolowunla” by Fousseni Maiga (Mali), and “Le Silence de Larmes” by Jean Marie.G (Ivory Coast), indicated the FICAK Foundation in a press release.
Also competing in this competition, “A Wingless bird The flies” by Remy Ryumugabe (Rwanda), “Arodan” by Sanni Ayodeji (Nigeria), “Elisa” by Saura.F.Leane (Burkina-Faso), “Le Cri /Kuleken » by Dramane Traoré (Mali) and “Baccou” by Stéphane Boye (Senegal), according to the same source.
Malian cinema is the guest of honor at this 24th edition of FICAK which will see the screening of Six films by Malian filmmakers in the presence of directors, writers, artists and novelists from this country.
During this edition of FICAK, 13 feature films will be competing in the official competition and 15 films will compete in the official short film competition.
The official competition jury for short films will be chaired by the Tunisian writer and film critic, Sonia Chamkhi in the company of the Moroccan film critic, Bouchta Farqzaid and Yacouba H Beidari from Niger.
FICAK, whose first edition dates back to 1977, is considered to be one of the oldest film festivals in Morocco and the third continent-wide African film festival after those of Fespaco which dates from 1969 and Carthage (1966).