Under the theme “Unlocking the future of resilient and sustainable urban living”. A Conference on Mediterranean Smart Cities will be held in Tetouan and Martil

Organized by the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences, in partnership with Abdelmalek Essaâdi University and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Tétouan, a Conference on Mediterranean smart cities will be held from May 2 to 4 in Tétouan and Martil , under the theme “Unlocking the future of resilient and sustainable urban living”, where innovation meets urban evolution in the cradle of history.
This conference will bring together thought leaders, policy makers, urban planners, technology experts and doctoral students, to explore the future of smart cities, through different activities, including keynote presentations, technical sessions, panels and workshops.
Topics to be covered by the conference include “Smart City Technologies and Applications”, “Digital Transformation”, “Sustainable Urban Planning”, “Community Engagement”, “Data Analytics for Smart Cities”, “Infrastructure Innovation », “Resilience and climate action” and “Digital inclusion”.
The program of this event includes the presentation of smart city experiences of certain cities, including two Moroccan ones, an exhibition of Mediterranean smart cities, and a “Smart city” hackathon.