Trump is there to lead the world towards other horizons.

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:


It’s done, the emperor has been enthroned and blessed by all the religions present in the territory or almost. Like a Roman emperor, he is enthroned in the senate. The Capitol is chosen for weather reasons… God the Almighty has decided so. It’s cold and it’s to the advantage of the 47th president of the USA.

He even says that if he did not succumb to the murder attempt he suffered, it is because God the Almighty had decided to keep him alive for the noble mission of restoring America to its greatness. .

As in a certain mythology, it is a divine descendant, a messenger that we had to deal with and as a good prophet he blessed us with his ten commandments.

What could be more normal than to start by telling Americans and the world that “today” we are opening (he is speaking) a new chapter where America regains its place as leader, not through arrogance, but through its destiny of excellence and resilience”. One wonders if one day America had lost the cheap leader of the world since it won its first battles against the Spanish in 1898 almost three centuries ago. This war sounded the death knell for Hispanic power, then described as a disaster by the Iberians.

In a calm that could not be more imperial, the lord of the place continued by announcing to all that “the golden age of America begins now, because we believe that nothing is too great for those who have faith in their country and in themselves. What a lesson for all to remember that the first wealth of a nation is to believe in itself and in its own people.

Once these terms of grandeur, ambition and power had been pronounced, it was obviously necessary to come to their variations; and vlan “We are declaring a national emergency at the southern border, because protecting our people is the first sacred mission of this government.” The country which owes its prosperity and its power only to immigration will close itself to the first source of the human flows that it says flood it, that which comes from its southern flank. America does not want to become Hispanic…And yet it owes a lot to these arms which saved agriculture and freed its youth from all the demanding jobs, and from all the tasks that the young American no longer wants to touch. He makes it a mission tinged with sacredness.

American families are worried and must therefore be reassured and now he is giving them a pledge that could not be clearer and more ambiguous at the same time: “We will fight the cartels that destroy lives and divide families. From today they will be recognized as what they are: enemies of peace.” Which cartels are these and which enemy? Doubt is thus sown and the specter of a witch hunt crosses minds. It looked like President Truman resurrected… But here the maneuver is not against the enemy that communism then constituted but rather against cartels as yet unidentified. Are American families really being protected from targeted enemies? only time will demonstrate it.

Climate change or not, the USA is not responsible. It is the others who are, China first and foremost. The pollution that its economy generates is responsible for what is happening on earth and as a result America is freeing itself and can happily withdraw from the Paris agreements. “We choose to withdraw from agreements that restrict our economic freedom, because we believe in American innovation, innovation that enlightens the world” and he continues: “There is no room for ambiguity : we recognize that nature and common sense dictate to us – the beauty of our differences, while celebrating our common humanity. »

Then the audience stands up and applauds. It is acquired and that is normal. The guests are chosen and well chosen. Those only out of obligation sit and experience their defeat; Biden and co, the former presidents on the other side and the few Democrats present are stoic. Inert, they endure like beaten boxers in the corner of a ring and a hostile audience.

“This day marks our desire to reestablish our sovereignty in every corner of the globe, and we affirm that the resources that enrich this nation must first serve its people. » Words that could not be clearer in the voice of sovereignism displayed, imbued with an egocentrism that could not be more powerful. But isn’t this the expression of some sort of threat…

Freedom requires outrageous liberalism; all the barriers will now come down “We are putting an end to any program that compromises our fundamental freedoms or sacrifices our values ​​on the altar of dogma. » He talks about values ​​but does not define them. Which ones will he put forward? certainly not those defended by his political enemies. Those to whom they do not want to forgive anything; throughout the evening, he will not stop sending them sly messages and barbs without blushing for a moment. And as if to shrink them even further, he delivers the fatal blow: “America is never as great as when it dreams boldly, works hard and does the impossible what it does best.” He tells them clearly: you lack the audacity and courage to serve the American people well.

To conclude this first moment of glory, before the series of signing of the ‘President Orders’, a moment that he chose first in front of his most popular troops. How astonishing it is to sign such acts in a sports hall, in the middle of a crowd with overheated engines.

Finally, he brings to the surface all his grievances against a certain press and tells everyone “We are restoring a public space where every voice can be raised freely, without fear of censorship because our freedom of expression is the beating heart of our democracy “. Every voice…meaning by that, every citizen on any medium and without any regulation. A real gift for Marc Zuckerberg and indirectly for Sundar Pichar. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk receive one more, the boss encourages them to go to Mars. As if to comfort him about his disappointment with one of his children, the boss of Space x and Tesla is happy when he hears him say that from now on in the USA, there are only men and women. The death knell has sounded for wokism. All these Giga billionaires were happy to be seated in the front row. Well behind you could barely see the FIFA president’s mop of hair.

So here is the emperor of the Americas finally enthroned, suddenly the Gulf of Mexico changes its name. It is now called America’s Golf. The Panama Canal becomes American again and the world is fully aware: Trump is there to lead the world towards other horizons.

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