Chapter 2/ Marrakech, 18th edition of the African Artistic Gymnastics Championships: Money from President Bitari


Morocco had the privilege of hosting the 18th edition of the African Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Marrakech for 04 days during which the competition took place attributable to certain countries (02) which withdrew and one (Algeria which withdrew for known reasons) and which was largely and strongly dominated by Egypt

In this very complex context, knowing that the level was very, very, very low, we therefore take the incomprehensible attitudes of the president of the FRMGA Bitari who fully marked this edition by, at the same time, his refusal to call the real journalists, his very nasty clash with a journalist for whom he had bad words and then by his controversial outings through which he claims (as he declared on the March radio waves in the Laila Mounajim’s show “makainch ghir lkora”) having spent money, at first on behalf of the Algerian team who had not shown up for the meeting and who, he said, had took responsibility for paying their bill of 20 Million Cents, knowing that it is otherwise, due to the fact that there is the Marrakech City Council, the Ministry of Sports, the Sponsors and the leading role in this event by Lalla Fatima Zahra El Mansouri who cannot leave anything to chance and who wants to keep an eye on the “success” of this Tournament

Still, Mr. Bitari cannot alone pay the 20 million cents to repair Algeria’s withdrawal and at the same time is not authorized to “purchase” the carpets and the equipment necessary for this competition, as he openly retorted to this journalist whom he reprimanded in front of his colleagues and other witnesses, for material from which he is far from on all levels since all the material from this 18th edition of the African artistic gymnastics championships stands out from the contribution of FIGA and other sources, and besides where could he have had these large and staggering sums of money to afford the luxury of such alternatives, he who has always cried out about the blatant financial lack for his federation!!!

Today, with the advent of this 18th edition of the African Artistic Gymnastics Championships, we were able to see another face of the president of the FRMGA, which no longer corresponds to that of a Bitari from two years ago. years! So what had happened in the meantime? It’s up to him to answer…

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