Saudi authorities announce sanctions for violators of Hajj instructions without permission

Saudi authorities have announced the amount of fine that will be imposed on those caught in Mecca and holy sites during the Hajj season without prior permission.

The Saudi Interior Ministry said in a statement yesterday Wednesday: “Application of punishment for violators of the rules and instructions of Hajj for those caught without pilgrimage permission inside the holy city of Mecca, of the central region, holy sites, Haramain station in Al-Rasifah, security screening centers, sorting centers and temporary security screening centers, from 11/25/1445 A.H. until to 12/14/1445 H, i.e. from 06/02/2024 to 06/20/2024”.

The statement confirmed that: “Implementing a fine of 10,000 riyals (approximately $2,660) for violators of the rules and instructions of Hajj without authorization for any citizen, resident or visitor caught inside the area geographical without authorization for pilgrimage, with expulsion of residents to their country and prohibition of entry into the Kingdom in accordance with the time limits determined by law.”

He stressed that “double financial fines will be imposed on offenders, i.e. 10,000 riyals, in the event of a repeat offense”, emphasizing “the importance of respecting the rules and instructions of the Hajj so that Allah’s guests can perform their ritual in security, safety, comfort and tranquility.”

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