NETHERLANDS/ World Hydrogen Forum: Morocco has joined the FICH which focuses on the development of green hydrogen, green ammonia and their derivatives projects by 2030

Alongside a number of ministers, international delegations and global organizations in the sectors of industry, trade, environment, energy transition and sustainable development, including Mr. Rob Jetten, Minister of Climate and Energy Policy, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Netherlands, Ms. Leonore Geussler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, government of Austria, as well as Mr. Yoshinori Kanehana, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Co-Chairman of the Hydrogen Council, and Mr. David Burns, Vice Chairman of Linde Corporation, representative of the co- President of the Hydrogen Council, alongside Mr. Bodewijn Simons, CEO of the Port of Rotterdam, Mrs. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, has just participated in the work of the World Hydrogen Forum in the Netherlands. Down
In this Forum, Madame Benali reviewed Morocco’s experience in the field of renewable energies, attracting investments and the advantages of its geostrategic position as a corridor connecting Europe to Africa. Ms. Benali emphasized the specificity of the Moroccan green hydrogen offer because it is based on a global regulatory framework and a precise infrastructure plan, noting the need to understand what enabled the development of projects. liquefied natural gas and nuclear power, examining ways to establish long-term commercial contracts, as well as the need for incentives and subsidies to advance commercial infrastructure and local electrolysis, emphasizing that partnerships in a win-win logic are essential to the development of a bio hydrogen commercial hub.
Ms. Benali did not miss the opportunity to highlight a good number of projects in the field of energy transition to develop the hydrogen sector, which urged Morocco to join the FICH. This concerns the development of green hydrogen and green ammonia projects and their derivatives by 2030, and working to allow investors to have a clear vision of the future of infrastructure projects in the Kingdom, as well as on future gas and hydrogen pipelines, and strategic ports that Morocco aspires to achieve, as well as on ways to expand and connect them, and eliminate carbon from various vital sectors, calling for the dissemination of a culture of joint international cooperation rather than competition to achieve the characteristics of a sustainable international economy.