Tindouf Camp in Turmoil: Cars and Headquarters of the “Police” Set on Fire in Protest Against the Elimination of Opponents

The Tindouf camps are experiencing violent protests by Sahrawis, who have set fire to cars belonging to the Polisario Front as well as the buildings of what they call their “security institutions”, as part of growing demonstrations against the assassinations of opponents of the leadership of the Front.

According to videos from the camps, it was Sahrawis who set fire to vehicles belonging to the Front’s armed militias, indicating that the perpetrators of these acts were demonstrators belonging to the Ouled Tidrarine tribe, some of whose young people were targeted by assassinations.

Opposition websites reported that this is a movement that has been going on for several days, due to what the protesters consider to be acts organized by leaders of the separatist front against members of the mentioned tribe, including physical attacks and looting of property.

Other sources indicated that protesters from the Ouled Dlime tribe surrounded the headquarters of the so-called “police service” of the Polisario Front and set it on fire under the leadership of a young opponent of the Front named Hamada Ould Hibba, which led to direct clashes between the two sides.

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