King orders study of certain proposals of the Family Code based on religious precepts

His Majesty, the Commander of the Faithful, Mohammed VI, may God support him, President of the Higher Islamic Council, issued his royal directives this Friday, 21 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 H, corresponding to June 28, 2024, ordering the aforementioned Council to study the issues raised in some proposals of the committee responsible for revising the Family Code, based on the principles and precepts of the Islamic religion and its benevolent objectives, and to issue a fatwa on this subject for royal consideration.
This decision comes after the end of the mandate of the committee responsible for revising the Code, within the allotted time, and after its proposals were submitted to royal examination, given that some proposals are linked to religious texts, they were referred to the Higher Islamic Council, designated by article 41 of the Constitution as the only entity authorized to officially issue fatwas.
His Majesty also called on the Higher Islamic Council, which gives opinions on the proposals presented to it, to take into consideration the content of the royal message addressed to the Prime Minister, calling for the adoption of the virtues of moderation and constructive ijtihad , in accordance with the principle that he has always affirmed, which prohibits the authorization of what is prohibited (haram) or the prohibition of what is permitted (halal).