Crédit Agricole du Maroc and AMDIE sign a partnership agreement to strengthen the Investment Charter

The Crédit Agricole du Maroc Group and the Moroccan Agency for the Development of Investments and Exports (AMDIE) signed yesterday, Thursday, a partnership agreement aimed at strengthening the Investment Charter and supporting investors in Morocco as well as exporters.

This agreement, signed on the sidelines of the 2024 “Africa and Development” International Forum, is part of the royal directives aimed at developing a new, more competitive Investment Charter and encouraging investments by Moroccans around the world.

The signing of the agreement was supervised by Hamid Kettani, Managing Director of the Crédit Agricole du Maroc Group, and Ali Seddiki, Managing Director of the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development.

As key players in Morocco’s economic development, the parties to this agreement undertake to encourage and support Moroccan resident investors as well as Moroccans abroad, as well as exporters.

This cooperation covers several areas, including support for investors in their projects through the deployment of specialized mechanisms and the skills of the two institutions, whether in Morocco or abroad. It also aims to effectively promote exports to support economic growth and social development in Morocco, thus strengthening the capacities of businesses and facilitating their access to international markets. In addition, it aims to promote investment opportunities in Morocco and export through webinars, online conferences, exhibitions, and other initiatives.

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