Government to tighten control of debt and deficit in coming years: Baitas

Hibapress / MAP

The Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, Government Spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, affirmed, Wednesday in Rabat, that all indicators confirm the government’s commitment to strengthening its control of the debt and the budget deficit during the coming years.

The government “is exercising strict control” over the budget deficit and debt, which increased by around 10% between 2011 and 2021 to reach nearly 72%, Baitas stressed in response to a question on government measures to control the debt during a press briefing following the Government Council.

And to add that the executive will continue to strengthen its control over the budget deficit in the years to come, despite, in particular, the funds allocated to social dialogue, to the financing of social assistance programs and support for public establishments, in in particular the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE), in order to guarantee the stability of the price of water and electricity.

Mr. Baitas also stressed that the government is working to control debt “because financial independence is essential to continue reforms,” adding that a credit line is available to finance socio-economic programs, although it has not yet been used.

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