Upset parents. His father was killed in the Ain Naqbi district of Fez.

A. Muhyawi – Heba Press

Yesterday, Friday, June 28, a young man stabbed his father to death in the Ain Naqbi neighborhood of the Jnan al-Ward district in Fez, in circumstances that were the subject of a preliminary judicial investigation by the security services.

Heba Press sources reported that a young man had a violent argument with his father last night, Friday, in “Jinan Al-Sunni”, in the Ain Al-Naqbi area, before stabbing him seriously with a knife, then leaving him covered in his blood, struggling for death.

As soon as they learned of the accident, security officers arrived to investigate and open an investigation into the case. The deceased was quickly transferred to Hassan II University Hospital. However, medical interventions failed to save his life. arrest the suspect son at the train station. He was placed in theoretical custody, in execution of the instructions of the competent public prosecutor.

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