Italy: Long live the collective actor who works in silence in times of noise

Abdel Latif El-Baz – Heba Press

The city of Taza, like other Moroccan cities, has its loyal men who have gained great popularity among the Moroccan community residing in Italy, due to their credibility and work for the public good, without political or other backgrounds that fall into the category of asylum seekers. fame or personal interest.

The community activist Yahya Al-Matawat is one of those well-known names in Italy, due to the great services he has rendered to the members of the community, since he was entrusted with the task of leading the Moroccan-Italian Solidarity Space in Italy.

Descendants of heroes:
Yahya Al-Matwat is exceptional in his achievement… He is a man who grew up on the soil of this country, who came out of the depths of Morocco from the east of Taza, the man who moved away from the limelight to extend our respect for him, he is the one who filled his life without noise, remaining calm in the face of the clamor. As usual, rivers flow down from the peaks to irrigate the plains. Yahya El-Matwat came down from the dunes of Taza in 1974, to become, since his childhood, a man who was the master of his life path. He carried in his chest the pride of the peaks and the insistence of the rivers to advance, even if the paths were difficult, tracing their course with patience and firmness, because it was not easy for a young man like him to wrap his circle around his dreams, display his ambitions, perfume himself with his precocious national conscience and strike the ground straight, tall, head held high and fortified morally and intellectually. Efficiency is… address.

What he has accomplished is a testament to:

Yahya Al-Mutawat is distinguished by his many characteristics, and there is no difference between his characteristics. He opposes and does not oppose, he does and does not say, he follows the rhythm and does not follow, he is disciplined and does not submit. , a conscience that does not claim wisdom, a pure patriot and a genuine citizen loyal to the monarchy, the project and the anthem, the slogan and the principle, an exception in the era of reincarnated beings, exalted in the glory of the time of. wandering is ambitious, and he has the skills and abilities that make his ambition legitimate and legitimate. The activities he has performed are sought after every day, enriched by them and rising in harmony with the symphony of life called Yahya Al-Mutawat, formidable. and the significant efforts made in the field.

Love of country:

He was a child, and as he grew up, his love for the homeland and his involvement in its development grew in him. He was ready to lose everything except his patriotism. He was ready to give up everything except that he was a Moroccan citizen of Taza. He was like a river that returns to its source and water to its natural source. He committed himself very early to the service of his country with a vision of the future defined by values ​​of commitment and citizenship.
An active community activist: He declared his affiliation to the issues of the community members…an active and initiating activist; His collective activity embodies the principle and vision, and his presence in the field and in the space of society confirms the high thought and high morality according to which he is a democrat with solidarity values ​​and a participatory spirit. He is the son of the fighter and unwavering Taza, a fighting castle par excellence, both historically and militarily. The elastic is born a fighter; Yahya is a fighter by nature and culture. Through his education and learning, he suckled milk, struggle and love for the homeland and kingdom from his mother’s breast and grew up in the temple of struggle. From there, Yahya acquired the legitimacy of belonging. through strength and action, and obtained recognition, competence and gift through honesty and credibility.

Yahya Al-Mutawat is a patriotic citizen who cultivated integrity and righteousness in the temple of the brave, so let me declare him a man of cause. He received an education that kept him away from the feeling of fear and abandonment forever and instilled in him control over the path of his life, regardless of the obstacles and obstacles. An education that instilled in him the firmness and confrontation that exuded the scent of a determined and responsible person. An education that sometimes relies on seriousness and rigor and that affirms again and again gentleness and flexibility, raining love at times and fire at times. The human being is welcomed by the elastic:

Behind his image as a competent businessman and community activist lies the image of a person imbued with noble values ​​and high morals. Yahya has all the characteristics of a committed fighter: simple and humble, generous and honest, sincere and loyal. Faithful to the homeland, faithful to history and faithful to his friends, intellectually and morally honest, he believes that history is made and does not wait for waiters and spectators. Either we engage in it, and scrutinize how and how to engage in it, otherwise. we become transgressors, negative and nihilists. Even though he left Omar Al-Zuhur, he still retains his brilliance and dynamism, with his ambition and diligence, who has experienced the struggles of collective commitment and the responsibilities of professional work, still clings to the brilliance of. life. He is a dynamic actor… who enjoys a unique characteristic of communication and fun that does not hide his seriousness and rigor. He is characterized by good humor, even if he is as stubborn as in his smile, the geography of. Morocco is like the geography of Taza. Thus, as we know him, his name is Yahya Al-Matwat, social by nature, he likes initiatives and solidarity actions… and he says no to “giving lessons for free”. He is one of the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Morocco in Italy at the level of human rights, as well as national and international associations, and one of the greatest symbols of the culture of “parallel diplomacy”, businessman and president of the Moroccan Union. Italian solidarity space.

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