Al-Tahrawi: An 88% increase in seats in faculties of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry in 2024

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press

The Minister of Health and Social Protection, Amine Tahraoui, indicated today Tuesday, during the oral questions session in the House of Advisors, that the rate of change in the number of educational places allocated for admission in faculties of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry reaches 88 percent in 2024, compared to 2019.

Al-Tahrawi explained, in his response to questions asked within the framework of the thematic unit on “the shortage of doctors, nurses and health technicians”, that the ministry aspires to continue increasing these seats by opening 7,543 seats as of the year. 2027, as scheduled in accordance with the framework agreement signed between the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation and the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, relating to the implementation of the strengthening the density of health sector professionals within the country. horizon of the year 2030, at a cost exceeding 3 billion dirhams.

As for the category of nurses and health technicians, the minister explained that the growth rate in the number of places for the bachelor’s program reached 206 percent, reaching 8,360 educational places in 2024, and 353 percent for the master’s between 2020 and 2024., reaching 680 educational places in 2024, adding that the ministry plans to open 11,900 educational seats from 2029.

He continued that the ministry is preparing a project to create 16 research teams and 4 research laboratories for the doctoral program in the higher institutes of nursing professions and health technologies, in coordination with various government and social partners, in addition to increase the number of residences. competitive positions for specialist doctors over a period of five years, with an increase each year of 100 positions for contractual residency matching and 50 positions for non-contractual residency matching.

The minister stressed that these measures will make it possible to go from 18 health professionals per 10,000 inhabitants, recorded in 2022, to 45 health professionals per 10,000 inhabitants by 2030, in a manner consistent with the standards of the World Organization. of health.

In a related context, the Minister recalled that the Government has worked to strengthen the health offer and increase the number of health professionals, by increasing the number of financial positions allocated to the employment of health personnel. from 4,000 positions in 2019 to 6,500 expected in 2025, while strengthening the skills of the decentralized services of the ministry by authorizing the signature to organize regional recruitment competitions since the end 2020.

Al-Tahrawi indicated that strengthening the powers of these departments allowed greater flexibility in managing the shortage experienced by certain medical and nursing staff, and taking into account the specificity of each region in terms of operating horizons. health groups.

The government official stressed that providing health institutions with the necessary human resources is a priority for any health system, whatever its type, stressing that the design and implementation of any health policy “has become dependent on the provision of health executives capable of providing health services that meet the aspirations of citizens.

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