Publication of the DGI activity report for the year 2023


In its activity report for the year 2023, the DGI indicates that self-entrepreneurs account for 63% of newly registered professional individuals.

Also, the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) recently published its activity report for the year 2023, revealing the progress made in the modernization and improvement of the Moroccan tax administration. The report reveals not only the year’s performance, but also the outlines of an ambitious new strategy for the next five years.

Of the 216,691 recoveries of the Common Company Identifier (ICE) recorded for 2023, professional legal entities and natural persons represent 56% and 44% respectively.

By enabling better understanding and easier compliance with tax obligations, the DGI encourages the adhesion of new taxpayers and thus contributes to the growth of the tax population.

And note that the year 2023 saw the launch of “Direct Entreprise” on the Rabat pilot site, in collaboration with the various partners (OMPIC, Ministry of Justice, the CNSS and the official printing office).

The report notes increases in various areas. Overall tax revenues increased by 6.7% compared to the previous year, reaching a total of 209 billion DH. This dynamism is attributable to new tax measures introduced by the 2023 finance law, such as the revision of the IR/PF declaration and payment system and the institution of withholding tax for certain categories of income. .

Several developments have been made to support this launch and reduce file processing times, including the automatic retrieval and processing of files as well as the generation of registration certificates that can be verified online.

2023 was also marked by progress in international cooperation. The DGI signed memorandums of understanding with the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations and the International Bureau of Tax Documentation, establishing fruitful collaborations to enhance tax efficiency through information and communication technologies.

With a well-defined strategy and convincing results, the DGI positions itself as a central pillar in the promotion of a tax culture based on fairness, transparency, and compliance.

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