“Cenca” massacre: Moroccan authorities await the judge’s order to transfer the bodies.Min

Heba Press_Yasir Al-Ihya’i

The Spanish media have spread several inaccuracies about the “Cenca” massacre, which killed a Moroccan mother and two of her children last Friday.
The same media reported that the “Amal” family had engaged in a fundraising to cover the costs of transporting the three bodies to their country of origin, as if it were a natural death, at a time when the forensic procedures under the control of the judiciary were still ongoing, continuing to reveal several details related to the crime.

It is known that cases of murder or suspicious deaths are often subject to additional procedures as part of the completion of the criminal investigation carried out by investigators and forensics, which means that raising the issue of collection of funds at this precise moment is a scandalous affair and has other antecedents that only those who spread these rumors know, those who want to minimize all the initiatives and good intentions undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in such incidents.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in the capital Madrid, alongside the Consulate General, is following the results of this case and the completion of all the necessary legal and security procedures to transport the bodies to the country and return them to the family for burial.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken the initiative in similar or smaller incidents to transport bodies to Morocco at its own expense, and we at “Heba Press” have accompanied some of them with extensive media coverage to highlight the role of the Consulates General and their social interests in dealing positively with such cases.

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