The Tripartite Commission for the 2030 World Cup meets in Agadir. Various aspects were examined and the joint application was finalized


The joint Morocco-Portugal-Spain bid committee for the organization of the 2030 FIFA World Cup held a new meeting in Agadir on June 27 and 28. This meeting was mainly devoted to the inspection of several candidate sites and the finalization of the application file common to the three countries, before submitting it at the end of July to FIFA, in its final form.

The Tripartite Commission emphasizes that during its discussions, no final decision was taken regarding the number of stadiums, their geographical distribution or the number of matches to be hosted by each of the three countries. Any official information on these aspects will be communicated through official channels.

During the first day, a delegation of representatives from the three countries visited a number of key sites in Agadir, including the Grand Stade d’Agadir. Another site visit was conducted to select a venue for the FIFA Fan Festival, with Agadir’s iconic beach being the preferred location.

To complete the on-the-ground reconnaissance process, the delegation then visited the seaside resort of Taghazout, which has been identified as a potential location for football team training camps.

On the second day, Friday 28 June, an online meeting was held with FIFA to discuss the progress of the final bid process. This meeting was followed by working sessions of the Tripartite Management Committee, during which various aspects were discussed and the joint bid was finalised.

Welcoming the quality of the cooperation between all parties involved, the Committee is committed to continuing to work closely with FIFA and the local authorities of the three countries in order to present a strong and worthy final bid to host the 2030 FIFA World Cup.

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