Signature of a partnership agreement between the Mohammed V University of Rabat and the German International Cooperation Agency GIZ

In order to strengthen cooperation between the two parties, a partnership memorandum of understanding was signed yesterday, Wednesday, May 8, between the Mohammed V University of Rabat/Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences – Agdal (FSJES-Agdal) and the German International Cooperation Agency GIZ, aiming to strengthen knowledge and skills and promote research in the areas of governance, advanced regionalization and local finance.
This memorandum of understanding was signed by Pr. Farid ELBACHA, Acting President of the Mohammed V University of Rabat and Dean of FSJES-Agdal, Dr. Stéphanie Schell-Faucon, Director of the Governance and Migration Sector Program GIZ-Morocco and Mario KLEE “BGF” project manager.
The sealed partnership aims to achieve the following objectives: Contribution to the reflection and operationalization of the reform of local taxation and financial governance issues, also the strengthening of the knowledge and skills of public institutions and territorial actors , in particular through training, research and capacity building of actors responsible for the issue of financial governance of local authorities, as well as the contribution to the promotion of research in the areas of governance, advanced regionalization and local finances.