Road accidents: 23 dead and thousands injured in one week

Over the past week, from May 27 to June 2, urban areas recorded 1,960 road accidents, in which 23 people were killed and 2,726 others injured, 97 of them seriously.

A report from the General Directorate of National Security attributes the main reasons leading to the occurrence of these accidents, in particular to the inattention of drivers, non-respect of the right of priority, excessive speed, inattention of pedestrians, changes of direction without signaling, and failure to cross a safety distance, lack of control and change of direction without signaling, non-compliance with parking imposed by a “stop” sign, non-compliance with parking imposed by a red light, drive on the left. the road, faulty overtaking, driving while intoxicated and driving in the prohibited direction.

Concerning surveillance and control operations in Traffic and on Golan Square, the security services recorded 41,104 violations, completed 7,077 reports transmitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and obtained 34,027 conciliation fines.

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