Agadir: Two cases of suicide were recorded in one week in a neighborhood

A. Latif Baraka: Heba Press

Yesterday Saturday, the prosecutor’s office of the Agadir primary school ordered that a medical autopsy be carried out on the body of a young girl who committed suicide at the family home, in the Dakhla district, in order to discover the true cause of death and investigate it. in ongoing research by the Agadir State Security Judicial Police.

Heba Press sources reported that the girl who committed suicide was a student at one of the colleges of Ibn Zohr University. She was found hanging with a rope wrapped around her neck in the family home in the Dakhla district, suggesting that the deceased committed suicide because of this. to his psychological suffering.

A few days ago, the body of a child, a student at a school in Agadir, was found. He ended his life in the family home, while his parents collapsed after discovering their child had died.

This incident, which occurred in the Dakhla district, we do not yet know where the investigations are, after the newspaper’s sources revealed that the case of a student’s suicide remains shrouded in mystery.

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