Cheap flight prices lure thousands of families to spend summer abroad

Airlines operating in the Moroccan market continue to offer promotional offers to Moroccan customers wishing to travel during the summer, connecting the Kingdom’s airports to several countries around the world.

Social media is flooded with offers from foreign airlines, especially those offering low-cost flights. These companies promote trips to tourist destinations like Spain, with prices as low as 150 dirhams per flight.

This situation has encouraged many Moroccan families to choose European destinations for their summer holidays, as flight fares to some European destinations are often much cheaper than domestic flights.

What also encourages Moroccans holding European visas to travel abroad is the cost of staying in these countries. Despite the differences in average income and salaries between Morocco and these countries, some Moroccan tourist destinations cost families much more than spending the same time in European cities.

At the same time, the demand for Schengen visas has doubled, particularly in Casablanca and Rabat, where visa appointment intermediaries have proliferated recently, taking advantage of the strong demand from Moroccans for European “visa appointments”.

In Casablanca, for example, the price of appointments reaches around 3,000 dirhams per person. Although the consulates of these countries have taken certain measures to prevent abuse by middlemen and manipulators, some specialists have found loopholes in the booking sites and exploit them by booking paid appointments, which brings them considerable income .

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