Taroudant: A widowed woman ended her life by hanging and left behind three children

A widow and mother of three children tragically ended her life, today Wednesday, June 26, in the Dosson zone of the Adhar community, Taroudant province.

The deceased, aged around forty, hanged herself, causing her death at the family home, to the shock of her children and all those who witnessed the tragedy.

According to what was circulating from local sources, the deceased was going through a serious psychological crisis after the death of her husband, with whom she resided in Marrakech.

Immediately after being informed of the incident, the local authorities and the Royal Gendarmerie of Aghram, territorially competent, went to the home of the deceased, where they initiated legal and procedural procedures as part of the investigation carried out by the judicial police. under the control of the competent public prosecutor, to determine the causes and circumstances of the suicide of the deceased.

At the same time, the corpse was transferred to the morgue of the Hassan II regional hospital in Agadir to undergo a medical autopsy, to the shock of his three children and all his relatives and neighbors.

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