Preparations for the 2030 World Cup: This is what the Belvédère Stadium will be, a real gem


As part of the preparations for the 2030 World Cup that our country will host, several sports projects are currently underway, including the Stadiums component.

To take a photo, it is not only the large stadiums that are highlighted since other “small” calibers are also undergoing embellishments or other reconstructions.

In this favorable perspective, we note that the Belvédère Stadium used by the FUS of Rabat is today in the middle of renovation work, as the pace has reached almost 50% of completions and will, subsequently, constitute a great novelty of splendid scale in view of its diagram which shows futuristic acquisitions as well by its architectural aspect, vision, reception, most favorable view, better contours, an accommodation center, ‘spacious parking and easy access

The Belvédère Stadium will give the City of Lights a whole new “mosaic” dimension and an impressive scope

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