The Moroccan Consulate in Rotterdam organizes open days to simplify procedures for Moroccan immigrants

The Consulate of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rotterdam organized, on Saturday June 8, open house events for the benefit of the Moroccan community residing in its territorial jurisdiction, with the aim of providing consular services, particularly in terms of national identity cards, passport, civil status and other consular services.

The organization of this open day follows royal instructions aimed at bringing the administration closer to the citizen and simplifying administrative procedures, as part of the care that His Majesty King Mohammed VI has always given to his faithful subjects, members of the Moroccan community residing in the diaspora, as well as in application of the directives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans residing abroad, aimed at improving and improving consular services provided to the Moroccan community abroad .

The organization of these open days coincided with the start of the process of returning Moroccan citizens from abroad to spend their summer holidays in the country. Dozens of Moroccan citizens flocked to the consulate to carry out a number of services, which mainly include the issuance and issuance of passports, national identity cards, as well as documentation and civil status services. She also provided them with guidance and counseling services in administrative and social areas, in addition to providing a medico-legal and legal consultation group.

To make this operation a success, consulate staff, including local employees and employees, were recruited, in addition to the consul general, “Abdel Ali Al-Idrissi”, who personally ensured the smooth functioning of all services.

The open house process was well received by employees who welcomed this initiative, especially first generation employees who have difficulty making appointments online, as well as citizens who cannot come to the consulate during normal business days to fulfill their obligations. administrative interests.

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