The Moroccan Consulate in Lyon accelerates the pace for the benefit of members of the community

Abdel Latif El-Baz – Heba Press

This Saturday morning, the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Lyon opened its doors to members of the Moroccan community to meet their administrative needs, in particular the receipt of passports and the receipt of national identity cards. A group of medico-legal and legal consultations was also organized.

The Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Lyon, Fatima Al-Baroudi, explained that the open house service is part, in addition to bringing the administration closer to Moroccan citizens, as part of the proactive approach adopted by the Consulate General in the occasion of the launch of operation “Marhaba”, which sees the influx of a large number of members of the community towards the consulate headquarters. The spokesperson added to the Heba Press newspaper: “The open days operated occasionally by the Consulate General come in response to high royal instructions aimed at taking care of Moroccans abroad and paying attention to their concerns in their countries of residence , as well as the directives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad aimed at improving and perfecting… Consular services provided to the Moroccan community abroad. The diplomatic official highlighted that during this open day, 332 consular services were provided, including the issuance of passports and national identity cards, as well as the provision of legal and judicial consultations.

It is expected that such an initiative will be organized in the coming days of this year, especially during the period coinciding with Operation “Marhaba”, during which citizens need a set of necessary documents to prepare to spend the summer holidays at home.

The initiative was well received by most of the beneficiaries, especially since it coincides with the weekend, which opens the way to benefit a large number of citizens prevented from engaging and working during week, as well as the approach of Eid al-Adha, which coincides with the desire of a large number of members of the Moroccan community to spend this happy holiday in the homeland.

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