Today, United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: 129 of 189 States persist and remain passive in the face of the practice of torture


In order to completely eliminate torture and ensure the application of the convention of 10.12.1984, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed June 26 “World Day in Support of Victims of Torture”.

Only 129 of the 189 member states of the United Nations (UN) are party to the Convention. Furthermore, many of them persist in not taking the necessary measures to fully guarantee its application, and remain passive in the face of the practice of torture.

States parties to the Convention – Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Indonesia, the United States and Cameroon, to name but a few – are failing in their obligations by failing to take the necessary measures to prevent and punish acts of torture, deplored Amnesty International.

Torture should only exist in history books. However, it is still widely used to extract “confessions”, to intimidate opponents and to humiliate or punish prisoners, notably as a disciplinary sanction.

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