Moroccans in Italy fear increased surveillance of sacrificial rituals

Abdel Latif El-Baz – Heba Press

Many Moroccans in particular, and Arabs in general, use numerous methods to escape paying sums of between 400 and 500 euros per sheep, and thus resort to certain agricultural farms distributed in the suburbs which supply sheep for a price not exceeding not 250 euros, on the condition that the buyer carries out the slaughtering and skinning process himself, a method that many Moroccans follow, whether in Italy or in European countries.

But over time, the Italian state, as well as animal rights associations, became aware of this trick and began to monitor farms that provide such services. There are also those who take advantage of their presence in the suburbs. and in independent houses, buy a live sacrifice and take advantage of the bathroom, toilet or a secluded place in the family garden for slaughter, but for those who live in residential buildings and vehicles, the matter seems almost impossible and far-fetched. in view of the constant surveillance carried out by neighbors, which extends to the security media, who do not hesitate to come at any time. Heba Press follows the rhythm of the Eid al-Adha celebrations by Moroccans residing in Italy, to transmit part of the rituals of celebrating the holiday. The common denominator between Italy remains the law which criminalizes home slaughter and exposes the owner to injustice. financial fine which risks making him forget the joy of the holidays. Moroccans in Italy are awaiting the celebration of Eid al-Adha today, Sunday, in an atmosphere where the joy of the celebration mixes with the fear that the Italian authorities will tighten injunctive measures and sanctions linked to the ritual slaughter of the sacrifice. .

This year, the Moroccan community recalls the arbitrary decisions taken last year by the Italian authorities, notably in the cities of Turin and Naples, where Muslims were prohibited from introducing sacrificial animals. The rituals of celebrating Eid al-Adha in Italy differ from those in Morocco, as Moroccan immigrants are forced to slaughter the sacrifice in approved slaughterhouses, while many of them resort to forests and empty places , away from the eyes of the Italian authorities, to massacre the sacrifice in an Islamic way, which exposed many of them to a situation in which… They were arrested by the police and subjected to heavy fines.

The suffering of Moroccans in Italy does not end with the end of the process of slaughtering the sacrifice, as they are subjected to a group of harassment from their Italian neighbors, especially in the case of the smoke released by the grill meat, because they find themselves vulnerable to a range of legal proceedings.

In this context, Al-Koutari Nour El-Din, a civil activist residing in the northern Italian town of Serinho, says: “We are exposed to a group of harassment in Italy during Eid Al-Adha , starting with the rise in the number of victims. price of sacrifices, because the prices of sheep are monopolized and their prices skyrocket as Eid approaches.

The same spokesperson adds: “We completely miss the holiday atmosphere in Italy, because the authorities prevent us from practicing the rituals to which we are accustomed in Morocco, and we are also exposed to a deluge of insults and insults from certain people. because we are described as criminals and savages.

During Eid al-Adha, a group of associations for the protection of animal rights is active in Italy, which finds in this religious occasion the opportunity to restrict and tighten the pressure on Moroccans, which incites many immigrants to go to Morocco to spend Eid with family and loved ones. those.

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