Twinning agreement between Morocco and the United States in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation


Morocco and the United States concluded, Friday in Washington, an unprecedented twinning agreement associating the National Scientific Police Laboratory under the General Directorate of National Security and the renowned American laboratory Lawrence Livermore.

This signature of a highly strategic nature was recorded within the American Department of State, in the presence of the Deputy Secretary of State, Mallory Stewart, and the Moroccan Ambassador to the United States, Youssef Amrani, alongside a large Moroccan delegation composed of the Director of Global Issues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Living Abroad, Ismaïl Chekkori, and representatives of the National Authority on the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Prefect of police, Taoufik Sayerh and the Divisional Commissioner, Hakima Yahya.

This notable progress in strengthening the partnership between Morocco and the United States constitutes, according to Mr. Amrani, “the very particular mark of trust and unfailing commitment which drives the development of our relationship with the United States. United, with the constantly renewed ambition to build, in accordance with the Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, cooperative bridges between our nations”.

Today it is about “anchoring at the heart of our interactions new processes and new means moving in the direction of advanced scientific interoperability between the laboratories concerned, while fully capitalizing on the strong existing diplomatic and political convergences in our respective visions for international peace and security,” he added on this occasion.

The ambassador recalled in this sense that “Morocco and the United States share a unique and historic relationship built on a solid foundation of shared values ​​and principles”, stressing that the twinning agreement constitutes in this sense “a new breakthrough which will strengthen not only Moroccan capacities, but also those of our African partners”.

The Moroccan delegation highlighted the importance of this initiative, welcoming the outcome of this twinning agreement which will put the bilateral partnership at the service of multilateral action in favor of disarmament and non-proliferation, particularly Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

For her part, the American Deputy Secretary of State welcomed the solid partnership maintained with Morocco, stressing that convergences with the Kingdom are not only appreciated but continually valued.

“We have the shared ambition with Morocco to capitalize on what already exists, but above all to innovate and seek out areas likely to extend our exceptional partnership,” declared Ms. Stewart, noting that the signing of today’s agreement “is part of this committed effort that guides our close collaboration and we look forward to seeing this relationship continue to deepen and diversify.”

The US Deputy Secretary of State added that this is a fundamental step that will pave the way for even deeper cooperation between the two countries in the area of ​​arms control and non-proliferation, in accordance with to the Chemical Weapons Convention.

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