The Algerian military mentally prepare the people to boycott the CAN in Morocco in 2025

It is well known that everything published by the press of the eastern neighbors is only done with the approval of the military in power at the El Mouradia palace, and that all articles and reports are only disseminated and published only after having passed under the ax of military censorship. This has made freedom of expression and press in Algeria a black spot, ranking the country near the bottom in terms of freedom of press and expression.

In this regard, a headline from the Algerian “press” El Chourouk attracted attention, chosen by its editors under the influence of the military authorities with the strange and significant title: “How would it be detrimental to the national team Algerian government to boycott the African Cup? »

Through this article and many others, the military regime is trying to survey Algerian public opinion and mentally prepare it for a new “withdrawal” and an escape that has become habitual, especially since the African Cup will be organized in the country. who won the confidence of Africa to organize the CAN and then the World Cup.

It seems, judging by the large number of “troll” comments coming from the country of “nif”, the country of a million martyrs, none of whom found favor in the eyes of the leaders for a stadium to bear his name, preferring names of sub-Saharan African countries, that the regime of Chengriha and Tebboune is trying to manipulate Algerian public opinion, by trying to convince it by all means not to participate in the CAN in Morocco.

A simple question: do Algerian leaders fear that their people, who will have the opportunity to visit a country they always dream of setting foot on, will discover the reality that propaganda channels and Algerian sites are trying to distort, so that they cannot compare the infrastructure of a country without gas but with installations comparable to the largest countries in the world and a country rich in resources but whose wealth is amassed in the accounts of generals, leaving crumbs for the taxpaying people.

Do Algerian leaders intend to withdraw from the 2025 Africa Cup in Morocco, for fear that their people will discover the map of the country with its Sahara, where locals love to drink “dahmiss tea”, or fear Are there other lessons from a country whose kingdom has a history of more than twelve centuries?

These are many questions while waiting for the CAN, but the only truth now is that Morocco will always remain a thorn in the side of the enemies, and that the path of development that our country is following under the wise royal leadership will always remain a source of jealousy and hatred for those who envy our blessings. Will Tebboune succeed in convincing his people that the Algerian national team should not participate in the CAN in Morocco?

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