King Mohammed VI calls for optimal use of the results of the next census


King Mohammed VI gave his High Instructions so that the results of the next general population and housing census be processed and analyzed diligently to make them a structuring tool for public policies at the national and local level.

This operation, which will be organized at the end of the summer of the current year, constitutes valuable assistance in the realization of the social project and the successful deployment of Morocco’s development model.

In a Letter addressed to the Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, regarding the 7th General Population and Housing Census, the Sovereign indicated that the periodic renewal of this operation, at regular intervals every ten years, constitutes a judicious choice that allows us to better understand the demographic and socio-economic evolution of the country, anticipate the changing needs of citizens and develop relevant policies accordingly.

The General Population and Housing Census is an operation which, through the multitude and importance of the data and indicators it generates, constitutes a valuable aid to the realization of the social project and the proper deployment of the model. development of Morocco, built on the principles of political democracy, economic efficiency, human development and social and territorial cohesion.

This new general population and housing census operation, the 7th since 1960, is intended to be innovative and ambitious. Innovative in the approach and technological means that will be mobilized for the collection and processing of information. Ambitious by broadening the fields of investigation to new themes that are important to Morocco, in particular the structuring societal project of social protection. Thus, data from the census will make it possible to update household socio-economic data, for better efficiency of public policies in this area.

The King emphasized the strategic importance of this ten-year event which interests the entire nation and beyond: national and international institutions, political, union and economic actors, civil society, and even more, Moroccan families and the all foreign residents. This operation requires, beyond the broad mobilization of significant human and logistical resources, a commitment and close and effective coordination of all public administrations, public establishments, decentralized services as well as local and regional authorities and communities. , provincial and local.

The Sovereign called on the Minister of the Interior, the High Commissioner for Planning and all walis and governors to ensure optimal operational organization of this census while respecting the deadlines and in close coordination with other stakeholders on the field, urging, at the same time, citizens to demonstrate, as usual, total cooperation and active participation in this exercise of general interest by providing reliable and precise information.

The King also invited the High Commission to Plan, upon completion of data collection, to diligently ensure their processing and analysis, ensuring that the results are accessible and usable by decision-makers and stakeholders concerned. as soon as possible. This speed in the exploitation of data will allow, among other things, the rapid identification of emerging trends with a view to the development of relevant public policies and the adaptation of various programs for the good of the Nation and the well-being of the people. Moroccan.

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